In the world of piping design, pipe supports play a crucial role in ensuring the stability and functionality of piping systems. They not only support the weight of the pipes but also accommodate various forces and movements. Understanding the different types of pipe supports and their symbols is essential for anyone involved in piping design or maintenance.
Anchor: a device that restrains the pipe from movement and rotation in all directions. The member to which an anchor is fixed, however, may be subjected to displacements and/or rotations, e.g., connections to equipment.
Clamp: a device bolted around a pipe, or in case of cold insulation, around the insulation. Clamps form an integral part of hangers and clamped pipe shoes.
Clamp Type Pipe Support
Constraint: a device that restrains the pipe from displacement and/or rotation.
Pipe shoe: a pipe support that is placed between the pipe and the supporting structure. Usually made from plate or cut from sections, welded or clamped to the pipe.
Pipe Shoe
Guide: a device controlling the direction of movement of piping/supports.
Guided support: a support that is allowed to move along a predetermined axis, controlled by guides.
Hanger: a support suspended from floors, beams, etc.
Pipe dummy: a support welded to prefabricated pipe. The pipe dummy will rests on the support structure and so support the pipe. A pipe dummy is made from pipe, usually of a smaller diameter than the pipe to which it is welded.
Dummy Support
Base Support: a supporting element with base plate, being part of the prefabricated pipe. When considerable site adjusting is required, the base support may be of adjustable type.
Pipe stop: a device preventing the pipe from displacement in one direction.
Pipe Stoppers
Resting support: a support that can move in one plane and around the axis perpendicular to that plane.
Reinforcing pad: a plate welded to the pipe that reinforces the pipe and prevents damage.
Snubber: a shock-absorbing device that allows the pipe to freely and slowly move while absorbing sudden shocks (e.g., seismic). It may be of the hydraulic type.
Strut: an adjustable device usually used to restrain the movement of piping in one direction while allowing movement in another direction.
Spring hanger: a suspended spring-loaded support.
Spring support: a spring-loaded assembly or device supporting the pipe from underneath.
Limit stop: a device restricting the thermal expansion displacement to a specified limit (to be indicated on the applicable drawings).
Trunnion: a supporting device branching off horizontally from a vertical line, and
resting on, or suspended from, the supporting structure.
U-bolt: a light-duty fixture, U-shaped, with both ends, threaded and provided with nuts.
These supports can be used for both semi-fixed or guiding points.
This blog is intended as a guide to determining the minimum safe spacing of plants and equipment in Oil Refineries, Petrochemical Complexes, and similar installations.
The spacing recommendations will apply in the absence of Clients' standards or supplement such standards where necessary. They are based on current industry practice.
The spacing recommendations aim to ensure that available plot areas are used economically without affecting personnel safety or plant vulnerability.